Victorian Statewide Conveyancing (VSC), Melbourne, experienced its third year of unprecedented growth in 2021, recording a 37 per cent boost in conveyancing files compared to the year prior. It has enjoyed a prosperous three years with triSearch and in September 2021, was part of a Practice Management System transition to triConvey.
triSearch caught up with Director and Licensed Conveyancer at VSC, Peter Gajanovic recently to hear how business was in 2021, his focus for this year and how triConvey has impacted his firm. After seeing unprecedented growth over the last three years, Peter explained:
“This year we really want to consolidate what we’ve built over the last the last 18 months. That’s our main focus. Using triConvey this year and into the future will play a big part in that.
I have used just about every platform on the market. We started using the triSearch platform for our conveyancing searches about three years-ago and I can’t imagine for as long as I do conveyancing that I’ll use anything else. Not long after triSearch, we signed up to Smokeball for our Practice Management needs, which has now be transitioned into triConvey. The transition was a really good experience.
The most notable feature of triConvey is the integration between the Searches and the Software. To have that integration with searching and property enquiries that go to a file immediately was a big, big game changer for us.
The triConvey system is relatively straightforward. It has all the information that you need to input and I like the fact that you can modify things. If I don’t need certain parcels in a file, I can remove them. Overall, the team love using the system.
It is also an easy system to learn and not difficult to train in. We had someone join us recently who used a different system previously, and within two or three days, she was fully functional on triConvey.
I’d say you must at least have a look at the package regardless of how long you’ve been using a different conveyancing system for. We’ve used almost everything and it’s by far the best system we’ve used.
If you’re not using it or if you haven’t seen it yet, call someone to show you the product because it’s just so easy.”
To follow Peter’s advice, you can book a free demonstration to see how triConvey can help you succeed, today.