Owners Corporation Certificate
The Owners Corporation Certificate is a disclosure of Owners Corporation matters to prospective purchasers.
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Owners Corporation Certificate
The Owners Corporation Certificate, formerly referred to as body corporate is a disclosure of Owners Corporation matters to prospective purchasers. The Owners Corporation certificate forms part of the Section 32.
According to the VIC Government this certificate will include:
- current quarterly or annual fees for the lot
- the date to which fees have been paid
- total unpaid fees or charges for the lot
- the date that special fees or levies were approved and the due date for payment
- details of repairs, maintenance or other work that may incur extra charges to those already budgeted or approved
- details of insurance cover
- whether the owners corp. has resolved that members may arrange their own insurance and the date of this decision
- a total of funds held by the owners corp.
- whether the owners corp. has any other liabilities in addition to those listed above, and the details of those liabilities
- details of any contracts, leases, licences or agreements affecting the common property
- details of any agreements to provide services to lot owners, occupiers or the public
- details of any outstanding notices or orders served on the owners corporation in the past 12 months
- details of any legal proceedings involving the owners corp. and any circumstances likely to lead to proceedings
- whether the owners corp. has appointed or has resolved to appoint a manager and, if so, the name and address of the manager
- whether an administrator has been proposed or appointed for the owners corp.
The user-friendly platform and helpful staff made switching to triSearch a breeze. Searches and Certificates come back faster and on the rare occasion I require the HelpDesk, they always seem to find a solution.
Community Conveyancing
Philippa Mason, Licensee