Hunter Water
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Hunter Water
Hunter Water, a state-owned corporation provides drinking water, waste water and storm water services to all business and homes across the lower hunter region. Conveyancers and Solicitors need access to these certificates and plans as they provide specific information on a property, that is needed in the purchasing, development or building of a property.
The Certificate is available through triSearch include:
- Sewer Service location plan
Sewer Service location plan is a diagram that shows the location of the sewer in relation to the property or lot. They are used when a property is being sold or when there is any development on a property. - Section 47 Certificate
Section 47 Certificate, also referred to as a Conveyancing Certificate, details the current water rate charges remaining on a property. This allows for the charges to be allocated accordingly between the previous and new owners.
Going through triSearch allows for all certificates and plans from Hunter water to be obtained within hours of the request being sent.
The user-friendly platform and helpful staff made switching to triSearch a breeze. Searches and Certificates come back faster and on the rare occasion I require the HelpDesk, they always seem to find a solution.
Community Conveyancing
Philippa Mason, Licensee