Queensland Govt. opens 6-week Consultation on Mandatory eConveyancing - triSearch

Queensland Govt. opens 6-week Consultation on Mandatory eConveyancing

mandatory econveyancing

The Queensland Government is calling on practicing conveyancers and property lawyers for feedback, opening a 6-week consultation on the proposed regulation to introduce mandatory electronic conveyancing (eConveyancing) in Queensland by early-2023.

Industry professionals will have until 5pm, May 6, 2022, to provide feedback to the consultation paper, which aims to gather feedback on three distinct changes:

  1. A new Land Title Regulation 2022 that will specify classes of instruments or other documents that must be lodged electronically through the ELN – the mandated transactions include transfer of titles, mortgages, caveats, and priority notices
  1. The application of the mandate to eligible subscribers under the participation rules.
  2. Exemptions to mandatory eConveyancing, including self-represented, internet outages, natural disasters, if title is not electronically tradeable.

Queensland first introduced voluntary eConveyancing in 2013, in accordance with the National Federation Reform Council’s (formerly Council of Australian Governments) Intergovernmental Agreement for a seamless national economy, including a national electronic conveyancing (eConveyancing) system.

Since 2016, New South Wales, Victoria, South Australia, and Western Australia have all implemented compulsory eConveyancing for certain land title transaction types.

The initial voluntary rollout of eConveyancing in Queensland allowed firms the option to adopt electronic conveyancing practices or continue with traditional lodgement methods.

It was recently recorded that more than 70 per cent of relevant property transactions are being lodged through eConveyancing networks.

The Government announced the proposed 2023 change to compulsory eConveyancing is the “next step to deliver a consistent service delivery experience for all the parties involved in the property transactions”.

Learn more about eConveyancing tools and how they can help transition your practice into the digital era. 

Book a demonstration to see the all-in-one conveyancing software, triConvey, to conduct your Queensland property matters from end-to-end with a full suite of eConveyancing tools, integrated with software and search.

Feedback on the mandatory eConveyancing consultation paper is to be submitted to lpconsult@resources.qld.gov.au.

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