Lyn Kemp Conveyancing (LKC) underwent a shortage of staff throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, however, thanks to partnership with key technology provider, triSearch, it quickly recovered into a successful firm.
LKC has operated in Campbelltown on the outskirts of Sydney for more than 16 years, it was purchased by LKC Owner and Solicitor, George Quinn, about four years-ago. George experienced his most difficult year to date when a staff shortage led to a sudden increase in workload. He explains that despite this, he was able to juggle practicing all areas of law as a solicitor, while producing results in his Conveyancing business thanks to the efficiencies in workflow from the all-in-one conveyancing software, triConvey:
“Having a dedicated software for conveyancing was very useful earlier this year. Having a system solely for conveyancing means I can open triConvey whenever I need and focus on getting through that area of law. I’m a solicitor so I also have a different software for the other side of the business.
When I took over Lyn Kemp there was already an existing software with all the precedents and files. However, the data storage was too messy with multiple versions of the same thing, so you never knew if it was the correct one.
When I swapped to triConvey, it was like starting with a brand-new system. I could add and keep documents and workflows, making it easier to run the conveyancing side of the business while also working other areas of law in another software.
The transition and set up for me was easy with the training from my Account Manager. triConvey also has its own integrated Trust Accounting so I can keep that separate to my other business which is helpful as well.
Using triConvey also helps prevent mistakes and offers that transparency to quickly identify if anything goes wrong on my end, and where it can be fixed.
triConvey comes with good precedents and documents already created which I use often, as well as the Trust Reconciliation for my Trust Account and the live settlement adjustments sheet.
Ultimately, I use triConvey for every aspect of the conveyancing process. The Verification of Identity tool, triVOI is one of my favourite tools to use and the triSearch integration is fantastic. It makes my life so much easier.
But I also like that you can send Purchase of Declaration, Client Authorization, Cost Agreements, and any other documents through triConvey as well.
I would highly recommend using triConvey as your dedicated conveyancing software. If you’re just doing conveyancing and you want to streamline the business and make it very efficient, and profitable then I would strongly recommend it.”
To follow George’s advice, you can book a free demonstration to see how triConvey can help you succeed, today.