Imperior Conveyancing (IC) utilised the booming property market in early 2022 to achieve a third successful year of reaching its yearly quota for property matters completed. Operating in Stanhope Gardens, NSW, IC has quickly solidified itself with a reputation for quality conveyancing. Using this success, IC launched the next phase of its business growth with an expansion into Victoria in mid-2022.
IC Owner and Licenced Conveyancer, Dr Gyanendra Regmi, has operated IC as a small practice with only one other employee. Despite the larger workload for Gyanendra, he believes in prioritising quality service, over faster, quantity-based success. He explained to triSearch that using triConvey considerably helped with maintaining his quality expectations, while managing to surpass his goal of fulfilling 120 property matters in 2022. Gyanendra explained how using triConvey helped save time and manage his files:
“After I finished my previous software contract, I was looking for a more convenient and easier way to use software.
As my contract finished with my previous practice management software, I switched to Smokeball Conveyancer, which is now triConvey. I’m one of the longest standing users of triSearch for my searches so when it was transitioned into triConvey, I signed the contract immediately.
Previously I had to do a lot of manual conveyancing, so I had my clients come to visit me and go to a Justice of the Peace to sign all the paperwork. This was a waste of time for my clients, which is why I like using my tools digitally, because it saves time and is very easily organised.
triConvey has a lot of good features, but I like two in particular. The first is the integration from triConvey software into the different electronic conveyancing tools we use. It saves a lot of our time.
If we spend more time completing routine tasks, then we might have to start charging more to our clients. That’s why integration is the most important part to us.
The second, is the data storage and mapping. For example, once my client details have been entered, that same data is automatically populated into documents until the end of the matter. These are the two features I enjoy very much.
A lot of software in the market is designed for legal practices, but triConvey is designed for conveyancers. So, anything that is required from the conveyance, triConvey has covered that path and made it very easy to handle.
I noticed a lot of my colleagues and friends in conveyancing were using other software and I mentioned to them how easy it was and they’ve since moved to triConvey.
In conveyancing, if the software is too complicated, people will get rid of it. But triConvey is easy.”
To follow Gyanendra’s advice, you can book a free demonstration to see how triConvey can help you succeed, today.