Providing the best conveyancing support in the industry is one of the most important goals for our triSearch Support Team, and to ensure you have the most up to date advice, we sat down with triSearch National Sales Manager, Helvi Rossi.
Rossi explained that the Support team is focused on listening and hearing clients’ needs as a primary objective.
Their overall method is to understand the issue to its full extent as soon as possible, before assisting with the correct resolution.
“Time is indeed money for our conveyancing clients and the sooner we understand the issue then the quicker we can be there to resolve it,” Rossi said.
“Our clients vary from highly tech savvy operators who use technology to enhance and streamline their business, to those whose skills are better suited to building relationships with their clients while learning more about the uses of technology in the industry.
“To the full spectrum of our customer base, we want to be here as conveyancing support.”
Because triSearch is such a unique operator in the conveyancing space, servicing both search and software enquiries due to our conveyancing solution, triConvey, we receive questions regarding a wide breath of topics.
Below are some of the most frequently asked in relation to both search and software.
Search enquiries
“The most assistance in the searching field we provide, is in relation to the ‘chase a certificate’ request tool.
“Probably three quarters of the chasing enquires relate to searches where the due date of the certificate completion has not yet passed but there are emerging business requirements that prompt our clients to need the certificate urgently.
“At times we can assist here, the certificate is chased with the authority and delivered early. At other times, the authority may have very strict boundaries and does not even allow any chasing until their nominated due date has been reached.
“Rest assured, once you’ve pressed the chasing tool, we’re onto it. We know the importance of fulfilling your workflow as quickly as possible.”
Software support
“In terms of software, the most common enquiry we receive relates to the installation of the software or synching the data base.
“triConvey is a cloud-based product, which is a great benefit to our clients as all data is retained and backed up in the cloud, even if the client’s device may stop working.
“However, this also means that having good internet connectivity, good computer processor (min i5 3GHz) and good RAM (min 8 GB RAM), means that the client experience is the best they can have with our software.
“I have never previously appreciated the value of computer processing grunt as much as I do now in triSearch. With great CPU the precedents populate faster and more beautifully with the automation, matter information gets updated in the blink of an eye. Everything just works better.”
Rossi message to clients
“I would also like to state that we learn so much from our clients. They are the experts in conveyancing, they know the conveyancing world, most having double digit years of experience.
“At the end of the day, our clients are the masters and I am amazed how efficiently they create documents, complete settlement financials, reconcile their trust accounts or compile contracts. It is a wonderful thing to behold to see experts doing their thing.
“I am also very thankful for the great improvement ideas that keep coming, improving matter information details, improving automation options, etc. And we welcome all advice that can help us improve our platform for you.
“Overall, the conveyancing industry has a very challenging task, they deal fully in the fintech world with speed, accuracy, dollars, contracts – but also with heightened emotions from their clients, as any property transaction is not just numbers but also human beings, families, children, etc.
“I look forward to our continued growth.”
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