How technology has reshaped the Verification of Identity (VOI) process
In today’s competitive conveyancing landscape, lawyers and conveyancers need to do whatever they can to stay ahead of the competition. Electronic Verification of identity (VOI) has allowed firms to deliver a seamless experience to the client with the bonus of saving time and money for their firm. With the introduction of mobile and web-based applications to verify a person’s identity, legal professionals have […]
Working from home: Tips for Conveyancers to continue ‘business as usual’
While working from home may have its benefits, doing so for an extended period of time can affect your work, productivity and motivation. Being a conveyancer involves, high attention to detail and fast turnaround of high volumes of work. This means you need to make sure your day is as productive as possible, regardless of […]
Three biggest cyber safety threats to the conveyancing profession
Cyber safety is a growing concern for the conveyancing profession. With the conveyancing industry turning digital, the importance to be educated on how to keep your practice safe from cyber-attacks is now more important than ever. Cyber-attacks intend on stealing sensitive data from an individual or business through a digital forum, with the purpose of […]
The four soft skills every conveyancer needs
Being a conveyancer is one of the few professions that require an equal amount of technical and soft skills. From a technical perspective, your professionalism, certifications and prior experience might set a good initial impression; however, your soft skills will be the key to success. Soft skills are character traits and interpersonal skills that characterise a person’s relationships with other people. Soft Skills […]
Three reasons why your business should be using electronic signatures
Waiting for documents to be returned via post, spending an afternoon meeting with settlement parties to sign agreements and constantly worrying if your confidential paperwork has arrived to the right person, however, sending documents for electronic signatures quickly stifles these worries. If you have had any of these concerns in your career as a lawyer/conveyancer, […]
5 tips to attract clients to your conveyancing firm
Whether you are running a large practice, are new to the market, or anything in between, it’s important to attract clients. Running a firm takes two distinct skills – technical knowledge of your industry and business acumen. In an industry saturated with competition, it’s important for conveyancers to be an expert in both. As the […]
Tips for recruiting the right staff
Hiring new staff members is probably one of the most challenging aspects of growing a business. While every new hire you make has the potential to bring fresh opportunities, recruiting staff also carries a few risks that could negatively impact your business. An employee who turns out to be a poor fit for your business […]
How an eSettlement service can help you offer more of what clients are looking for
Conveyancing processes are now faster, cheaper and much more transparent, thanks to the introduction of electronic conveyancing. However, there are still a few administrative jobs involved which take up a lot of valuable time but fortunately, can now be delegated to an eSettlement service. Contacting councils and utility services, preparing forms and even setting up […]
How to adjust to new technology in the workplace
The world of work is changing fast – largely because of the impact of rapidly evolving new technology. In fact, the increasing prevalence of technology in the workplace is such a hot topic today that many people are talking about whether their jobs will eventually be taken by robots. But, not a lot of people […]
Four ways electronic contracts can benefit business
As technology continues to develop and the need for paper-free processes becomes more important, it’s essential to stay focused on the aspects of a sale you can improve on to help deliver clients a speedier outcome, one of which is by using electronic contracts. On average, it takes between 66 and 77 days to sell […]