Julie West Conveyancing
“I’d recommend it to all my colleagues looking to change or try something new. It’s very simple to use and an easy transition as well.”
triConvey Information Session: Paperless Conveyancing Made Practical
Latest trends in conveyancing cyber security threats
Sharing financial details through regular channels are becoming increasingly targeted by scammers, according to Securexchange National Manager, Badr Khabbaz, at a recent cyber security webinar. The session, Cyber Security & Conveyancing: How to keep your transactions secure, saw participants attend a 30-minute update on the state of cyber fraud in the conveyancing industry, including methods […]
2022 NSW electronic contract of sale available through triSearch
triSearch has updated its electronic contract (eCOS), reflecting changes made by the NSW Office of the Registrar General (ORG) earlier this month. The ORG released a new Conveyancing (Sale of Land) Regulation 2022, active from Thursday, 1 September 2022, focusing on simplifying the structure and readability to its previous counterpart. The new regulations included updates […]
Maintaining workplace culture Pt 2: Tips for maximising
triSearch outline four tips for growing and maintaining workplace culture.
Cyber Security & Conveyancing: How to keep your transactions secure
Workplace culture Pt 1: Importance
Defining workplace culture and its importance is crucial for business success.
3 risks associated with manual conveyancing
Manual conveyancing is currently being dominated by an ongoing evolution of technology. The industry saw a abrupt evolution in the last two years with the COVID-19 pandemic forcing technology providers to innovate and build platforms to help eConveyancing become more efficient. And while electronic conveyancing is soon to become the norm throughout Australia with legislative […]
4 strategies for managing client relationships
triSearch explain four strategies conveyancers can use to maintain positive relationships with their clients.
4 tips for maintaining a healthy work life
Tips for maintaining a better work life balance.