Karen Lambert Conveyancing (KLC), Sydney, has built a reputation off the back of more than 17 years of sole practice success. This reputation works in tandem with its business strategy, relying on word-of-mouth referrals and a well-positioned business sign to bring in consistent work.
KLC owner and Licensed Conveyancer, Karen Lambert, is a firm believer in producing results efficiently and utilising the technology on offer to achieve this. In September 2021, Karen transitioned into the integrated practice management system, triConvey and has since substantially reduced the time between ordering searches, and sending out Contracts of Sale, Karen explained:
“I’ve been conveyancing on my own for about 17 years. I’ve always worked for myself by myself, and I prefer it that way. I have enough work that comes in and keeps me going.
The longer you’re in the industry, the more word of mouth referrals you get, too. I’m very fortunate to be on a busy road so my signs outside help get my name around as well.
I don’t face too many challenges fortunately. There will always be some easy and some hard matters that come through. But those harder cases are what makes my job challenging and interesting.
The most challenging part of conveyancing is that if anything goes wrong, they all look for a scapegoat. And it generally is a conveyancer. So that’s always in the back of my mind.
I was originally with Smokeball when triConvey was launched so I was part of the transition and I’ve had no problems with it at all since.
The search is integration is by far my favourite part of triConvey. I don’t know how anybody lives without it. I just adore it and boy you can get the Contracts of Sale out quickly.
It’s just so good, particularly in this area since the Hills Shire and Hornsby Councils return their certificates immediately. Thanks to the integration and the council’s speed I was able to get a contract out within an hour of ordering the initial searches, recently.
The industry was all very hesitant when Smokeball launched because we knew how to do it the paper way while standing on our heads.
So, I think there are a lot of people who are hesitant to learn it and made excuses that they didn’t have the time to learn how to use it. I did the same thing initially, but I did give it a go in the end, and it was absolutely brilliant.
My advice for conveyancers in the industry is to simply get in there and give it a go because you’ll love it once you do.
I’d say for anyone still like that, make the time and give it a go and you’ll find how good it is and how much easier it makes life.”
To follow Karen’s advice, you can book a free demonstration to see how triConvey can help you succeed, today.