Section 10.7 Certificate (NSW Planning Certificate)
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Section 10.7 Certificate (NSW Planning Certificate)
A Section 10.7 Planning Certificate provides information on any potential development happening on a parcel of land. This includes any zoning, the planning controls and other property restrictions such as land contamination, level of flooding and bushfire prone land.
There are two types of section 10.7 planning certificates, 10.7 (2) and 10.7 (2) & (5). A Section 10.7 (2) & (5) provides the same information as the 10.7 (2) but also provides additional information that council may be aware of. This includes advice from other authorities, development approvals and policies and contributions plans that may apply to the parcel of land. Both the 10.7 (2) and (5) are available through triSearch.
The information is sourced from the relevant council, where the property is located. You can view all the councils in NSW here.
The user-friendly platform and helpful staff made switching to triSearch a breeze. Searches and Certificates come back faster and on the rare occasion I require the HelpDesk, they always seem to find a solution.
Community Conveyancing
Philippa Mason, Licensee